

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第608回 2022.11/15

古文研究法52-1 蜻蛉日記:清水(きよみず)まうづる人に忍びて混じりたり。初夜(そや)果ててまかづれば時は子(ね)ばかりなり。ものなどものするほどに、ある者ども「この乾(いぬゐ)の方に火なむ見ゆる、門いでてみよ」など言ふなれば、「もろこしぞ」などぞ言ふなり



I stealthily joined in the members who were to make a pilgrimage to Kiyomizu Temple.  Finishing the prayer at the initial night and coming back to our anteroom, we found that it was about 11p.m.   We were having a late snack.  Then someone said, "I can see a fire in the direction of northwest.  Let's confirm it from out of gate !"  Another man responded, "Don't worry.  It is distant from here."

S先生:全体的にまずまずです。第1文の the members who were to make a pilgrimage to ~ で使われた be+to do は予定を表しているのでしょうが、この場面では予定というよりも、すでにツアーは始まっているわけですから were making a pilgrimage to ~ に変えましょう。第5文の Let's confirm it from out of gate !  ですが、ここの from は不要なので除外しましょう。他は良く書けています。

I secretly joined a party of visitors to Kiyomizu Temple.  It was already eleven o'clock at night when we came back to a waiting room after the first night's religious office.  While we were having a late supper, someone among us shouted, "There is a fire northwest !  Go out of the gate to see where it is."  Then another man said, "It is so far away.  We don't have to worry."