

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第753回 2023.4/10

古文研究法121-2 無名草紙(むみょうぞうし)より:つれづれなる折り昔の人の文(ふみ)見出でたるはただその折りの心地して、いみじう嬉しくこそ覚ゆれ。まして亡き人などの書きたるものなど見るはいみじくあはれに歳月の多く積もりたる、ただ今筆うちぬらして書きたるようなるこそ、かへすがへすめでたけれ。



Suppose you happen to find a letter written by someone whom you will never see again when you have nothing to do.  You will be glad because you feel as if you were just at the time when you received the letter.  Furthermore I am touched by a letter from a man who has already passed away.  Though I have spent a long time since I received the letter, I feel as if he wrote it just now with an profusely ink-filled brush.  The feeling makes me very comfortable.

S先生:良いです。第2文後半の you feel as if you were just at the time when you received the letter.「あなたは昔その手紙を受け取ったまさにその時のような気持ちになる」も悪くはないのですが、実際に昔手紙を受け取ったのですから、仮定法を使わずにたとえば、you are just in the same mood when you had been moved at the letter. のように書く手もあったと思います。

When I have nothing to do, I sometimes find a letter by a person I will never see again.  I feel as happy as when I received the letter.  Moreover, if it is a letter from the deceased, it makes me much more mournful.  Though it was written a long time ago, it looks as if it were written just now dipping brush in ink.  In such case, I am too happy to have any words to say.