

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第816回 2023.6/12

古文研究法143-1 笈の小文(おひのこぶみ、松尾芭蕉):神無月の初め、空定めなき景色、身は風葉の末なき心地して(芭蕉)「旅人と我が名呼ばれむ初しぐれ」。(長太郎)「また山茶花(さざんか)を宿々にして」、岩城(いわき)の住、長太郎といふ者このを付けて其角(きかく)亭において関送りせんともてなす。「時は冬吉野をこめむ旅のつと」、この句は露沽(ろせん)公より下し給はらせ侍りけるを、はなむけのはじめとして、旧友・親疎・門人等あるは詩歌文章をもて訪(とむら)ひ、あるは草鞋(わらじ)の料を包みて志をみす。



Thinking of my unstable fortune like a leaf blown up under a cloudy sky in October, I composed a poem : Getting wet with a fine rain, I am going to on a journey.  I would like to have elegant experiences in a dreary landscape while traveling.  Chotaro living in Iwaki added a serial phrase : Going on staying an inn with sazanka in full bloom, you can relish a tasteful trip as much as you like.  He and others were kind enough to hold a farewell party for me at Kikaku's villa.  There Lord Rosen gave me a poem : You will continue traveling from here to Yoshino where you can enjoy landscapes of the next spring.  You will come back here having good poems which you have composed while traveling.  Some people such as old friends, close friends, acquaintances and disciples greet me with Japanese or Chinese poems.  Other people are kind enough to present a gift of money to me.

S先生:上出来です。作文の実力が付いてきました。第5文と第6文で Some people と Other people の組み合わせが出ました。この場合は some と other 以外にも人がいます。もし some と the other だったら、the other は「some 以外は全員」の意味となり、この両者以外の人は居ません。N君にとってはもはや常識かもしれませんが、ここが分かっていない生徒がけっこう居るので注意喚起しておきます。

Walking aimlessly like the leaves blown away in late autumn, I composed a haiku : "Wet with the first late autumn rain, I am walking lonely as a traveler, wishing that I could learn the secret of an artistic world."  Chotato, who lived in Iwaki, wrote another haiku in reply to Basho's : "Keep staying at an inn with sazanka in full bloom and enjoy your journey for artistic atmosphere."  They were kind enough to hold a send-off party for me at Kikaku's.  Lord Rosen gave me a parting haiku to encourage me.  "It is still winter.  But it will be spring when you are walking around Yoshino.  And you will return with lots of haiku you have composed there."  After Lord Rosen, old friends, close friends, acquqintances and disciples gave me parting poems or letters.  There were some (who) presented me with a gift of money.

N君:先生の第8文に After Lord rosen, とありますが、この after は「~の後に、~に続いて」といった意味でしょうか?


N君:先生の第9文で there+be+先行詞+関係代名詞 の場合には、この関係代名詞は省略されるのですか?
