古文研究法106-1 堤中納言物語より:扇うち叩き給へば童(わらは)出で来たり。(右馬介)「これ奉れ」とて取らすれば、大輔の君(たいふのきみ)といふ人に、(童)「このかしこに立ち給へる人の、御前(=姫様)に奉れ、とて」と言へば、取りて、(大輔の君)「あないみじ。右馬介のしわざにこそあめれ。心憂げなる虫をしも興じ給へる御顔を見給ひつらむよ」とて、さまざまに聞こゆ。
Umanosuke knocked the gate with a fan grasped in his hand. Aware of a servant boy coming out, Umanosuke handed him the fan and said, "I wonder whether I might ask you to give this one to the young lady." The boy passed it to a waiting maid named Taifunokimi, saying, "He, who stands over there, wants to present it Her Princess." Receiving it suspiciously, she said to herself, "Oh, he must be Umanosuke. He might have seen her face when she curiously watched some kinds of strange insects. I guess he is trying to ask her a riddle that she should cover her face with the fan." She gave advice in detail to Her Princess.
S先生:第1文の knocked the gate ですが、at を使って knocked at the gate としましょう。knock には他動詞も自動詞もあって at がなくてもあってもどちらでも良いですが、ドアや門を叩く時は自動詞のほうが一般的のようです。第1文末の grasped in his hand はやや説明的すぎるので除外しましょう。第2文の I wonder whether I might ask you to do は右馬介が召使いの子供に言うセリフとしては丁寧すぎると思います。ここは簡潔に Give this one to the young lady. でよいと思いました。
When Umanosuke knocked at the gate with a fan, a servant boy came out of indoors. Handing the fan to the boy, Umanosuke told him to give it to the Princess. The boy said to a lady-in-waiting named Taifu-no-Kimi, "I was told to present Her Princess with this fan by a man standing over there." She said, "Oh, dear ! Umanosuke, isn't he ? He must have seen Her Princess amused at creepy worms. He might intend Her to hide Her face with this fan." And she gave the Princess many piecies of advice.
N君:先生の作文を読むと同じ姫様のことを、the Princess と言ってみたり Her Princess と言ってみたりしていますが、なにか区別があるのですか?
S先生:間接話法では the Princess、直接話法では Her Princess を使いました。