

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第558回 2022.9/26

古文研究法17-2 源氏物語橋姫:添ひ伏したる人(中の君=次女)は琴の上にかたぶきかかりて「入る日を返す撥こそありけれ。さま異(こと)にも思ひ及び給ふ御心かな」とてうち笑ひける気配、今少しおもりかに由付(よしづ)たり。(大君)「及ばずともこれも月に離るるものかは」などはかなき事をうちとけ宣(のたま)ひ交わしける御気配ども、さらによそに思ひやりしに似ず、いとあはれになつかしうをかし。



The other one of them, the younger, who had been leaning against something, got up over a Koto and said with a smile, "I have heard of a pick which has an ability to call back the setting sun, but never heard of one which can move a moon.  What an eccentric thing you can think up !"  Her aesthetic appearance was a bid deeper than that of her elder sister's.  The elder sister answered, "A pick, although it cannot be equal to a fan, has a slight connection with the moon, doesn't it ?"  The relaxed way they were talking about a poetic feature of the moon looked unexpectedly attractive and favorable.

S先生:まずまずの出来ですが何か所か指摘します。第1文冒頭の The other one of them, the younger, who ~ は分かり切っていることをくどく説明しているので、もっと簡単に The younger lady, who ~ としましょう。同じく第1文の「琴に体を寄せて」の部分ですが get up over a Koto では状況が分かりません。身を覆いかぶせる感じ、なら go up to ~ くらいを使って went up to a Koto としてみてはどうでしょうか。続いて登場の an ability ですが、この語は「人間の持つ能力」を表すのであって、撥が月を呼び返す能力を言う時には不適切です。a power くらいでどうでしょうか。

The younger sister, who had been leaning against something, moved to a Koto and said with a smile, "I hear we can call back the moon by fingering the plectrum of a Koto.  How eccentric you are to think that the moon can be called back by playing the biwa with its plectrum."  Her expression looked a little more dignified than that of her older sister.  She said, "Though a plectrum has less power than a fan, it also has something to do with the moon."  Her casual way of talking was far beyond Genji's imagination.  She attracted him and gave him a good impression.