

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第604回 2022.11/11

古文研究法49-1 宇津保物語:俊蔭十六歳になる年、もろこし船出だし立てらる。此度(こたみ)は殊(こと)に才(ざえ)賢き人を選びて大使・副使と召すに、俊蔭召されぬ。父母悲しむこと、さらに譬(たと)ふべき方なし。一生に一人有る子なり。かたち、身の才(ざえ)、人に優れたり。(あした)に見て夕(ゆふべ)の遅(おそ)なはる程だに紅の涙を落とすに、遥かなる程に相見むことの難(かた)き途(みち)に出で立つ。父母・俊蔭、悲しび思ひやるべし。



It was at Toshikage's 16th year that the ships to carry Japanese delegation were dispatched to the Tang Dynasty.  Then those who seemed especially to have a high potential for learning were desinated as an ambassador and accessory ambassadors.  Toshikage was nominated as one of them.  His parents lamented for the bad news.  Their grief was beyond description.  They had no child but him.  His looks and ability were brighter than those of any other adolescents.  His father and mother would often be anxious to death about a mere short delay of his return to home in the evening.  Therefore you will be easily able to think of their agony that they couldn't hope to see him again because their son must go abroad far away from their visual field.

S先生:今回はスッキリしていてなかなか良いですが、何か所か指摘しておきましょう。第2文末の accessory ambassadors はちょっと違和感があり vice-ambassadors にしましょう。第5文の any other adolescents は、any を除外して other adolescents とするのが良いでしょう。any を入れても良いですがその場合は名詞を単数形にして any other adolescent とすべきです。このあたりは細かいことですが慣れていって下さい。第6文の be anxious about ~「~のことが心配で」を強める副詞句 to death が入ったことで「身をよじるほど心配で」という感じが出ました。とても良いと思います。He was tired to death. 「疲れ切っていた」とか、She was bored to death. 「退屈で死にそうだった」のように使われます。

When Toshikage was sixteen years old, the ships carrying a mission to the Tang Dynasty were dispatched to the country.  This time well-learned persons were especially appointed as an ambassador and a vice-ambassador.  Toshikage was one of those who were chosen as envoys.  His parrents' sorrow was beyond description, for he was their only son.  Besides, he was a young man with extraordinary looks and ability.  They saw him out at the front door every morning.  When he happened to come home much later than usual, they were so worried about him that they shed tears of great sorrow.  Since he was making a very long voyage this time , he and his parents could hardly have a chance to see each other again.  You can easily guess how deep their sorrows were.
