

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第571回 2022.10/9

古文研究法25-2 更級日記:この男出で入りしありくを、奥なる女ども「などかくありかるるぞ」と問ふなれば、「いなや、心も知らぬ人(筆者一行を指す)を宿し奉りてかまばしも引き抜かれなばいかにすべきぞと思ひて、回りありくぞかし」と、寝たると思ひて言ふ。聞くにいとむくむくしくをかし。



Because one of the male servants was busy to go out from and step into this hut, the female servants asked him from the inside of the house, "Why are you wandering about like that ?"  Possessed with the idea that all guests were sleeping deep, he said, "Oh, you are generous.  I can't but patrol, for I am anxious about the danger that our pot may be stolen by the strange guests."  I felt disgusted at his answer, but simultaneously I was very interested in the way the ordinary people think."

S先生:まだ硬さが見られます。第1文の be busy to do は不可であり be busy in ~ing として下さい。ここでは was busy in going in and out of this hut. とするのが良いでしょう。「その本を読むのに忙しい」と言いたい時に、He is busy to read the book.  は誤りで He is busy in reading the book. が正しいです。第2文冒頭の Possessed with the idea that ~ 「~という考えにとりつかれていて」もやや大仰であり、Thinking that ~ で充分だと思います。第3文の be anxious about the danger that ~ も硬いので about the danger を除外して単に be anxious that ~ としてみてはいかがでしょうか。

Seeing one of servants busily coming into and out of the hut, the women at the back room asked, "Why are you walking around so restlessly ?"  The man said, "I am so afraid that those unfamiliar people might steal our pot that I can't sleep calmly.  That's why I am walking to watch them."  He seemed to think that we were sleeping like a dog.  Hearing him talking about us in a rude way, I felt both disgusted at and interested in his ill-manneredness.