

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第734回 2023.3/22

古文研究法113-3 謡曲「大原御幸(おおはらみゆき)」より:山里はものの寂(さみ)しきことこそあれ、世の憂きよりはなかなかに、住みよかりける柴の扉(とぼそ)、都の方(かた)の訪れは間遠(まどほ)に結(ゆ)へるませ垣や、浮き節繁(しげ)き竹柱、立居(たちゐ)につけてもの思へど、人目なきこそ安かりけれ。



Dreary as it is, a village in a mountain valley unexpectedly makes me feel easy because there is a nuisance in an urban life.  This is why I lead a simple life in this hut made of Shiba trees.  Seldom do I receive any letters written by friends of mine who lives in the capital.  Actually I worry about this and that every time I stand up, walk and lie down.  However, feeling comfortable without the eyes of others, I live a happy life in this poor hut surrounded by loose-knit hedge and multi-knotted bamboo fence.

S先生:第4文後半は every time を接続詞的に使って「立ったり座ったりするたびに」という節を作っていますね。英文として特に言うことはないのですが、原文の「立居につけて」というのは「立ったり座ったりするたびに」ではなくて、「目が醒めている間は」という意味だと思うのです。したがって when I am awake くらいでよいのではないか、と思いました。

It is dreary to live in a mountain village, but the life there is much more pleasant than that in the world difficult to live in.  That's why I live in a shabby hut with a door made of brush wood.  I seldom have news from Kyo.  I am often lost in deep thought about how to live.  But I feel very comfortable in this hut surrounded by rough-woven hedges and fenced with bamboos full of joints, because I don't have to worry as to what other people think about me.