古文研究法113-2 平家物語より:後(うしろ)は山、前は野辺(のべ)、い笹小笹(をざさ)に風騒ぎ、世に絶えぬ身の慣(なら)ひとて、憂(う)き節(ふし)繁(しげ)き竹柱、都の方(かた)の言伝(ことづて)は、間遠(まどほ)に結(ゆ)へるませ垣や、僅(はつ)かに言問(ことと)ふ者とては、峯に木伝(こづた)ふ猿の声、賤(しづ)が爪木(つまき)の斧(をの)の音、これらが訪れならでは、柾木(まさき)の葛(かづら)青つづら、来る人稀(まれ)なる処(ところ)なり。
My hut has hills at the back. A wild field extends in front of it. There many bamboos are rustling in the breeze. As is usual with everyone in the world, I also have plenty of bitter experiences. Loaded with hardships, now I live in a humble hut made of bamboo. Letters from the capital hardly come to me. The sparseness is just like the wide intervals of the rough-woven hedge. Who on earth visits me ? It is only the cries of monkeys wandering around trees on the mountain or the sounds of a hachet a woodcutter uses that is kind enough to call on me, or anyone else barely drops over to this deserted place burried in thick vines.
S先生:なかなかいいですよ。第9文後半に入るところに置かれた or は「もしそうでなければ」の意味で味が出ているし、後半は barely が否定文のテイストを出しているので主語が someone else ではなくて anyone else になりました。良いと思います。
At the back of my shanty are mountains and in front (is) a vast wilderness. Sometimes a gentle breeze makes a rustling sound. I, who was born to live in this world, have lots of things to bear. Now I live in a shabby cot made of bamboo. Letters from the capital seldom come to me. The interval is as distant as the hedge woven roughly. There is no one (who) visits me. I hear nothing but the cries of monkeys who jump around from tree to tree or the sounds the villagers make cutting fire wood. There seldom comes anyone to this dreary place where vines and ivies grow thick.
N君:先生の第1文は、副詞句+V+S ということですね?
N君:先生の第7文 There is no one visits me. での関係代名詞省略にはなじめません。
S先生:第726回にも言いましたが「There be 構文において主格の関係代名詞は省略されることがよくある」ので慣れていきましょう。
N君:同じく第7文で先行詞 monkeys に対して関係代名詞が who なのは違うと思いますが、いかがでしょうか?
N君:先生の第8文 There seldom comes anyone ~ はどういう文型ですか?
S先生:There be 構文の変形としてとらえて下さい。今日は偶然にも There be 構文で色々なことが出てきました。