

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第732回 2023.3/20

古文研究法113-1 平家物語より:古(ふ)りにける岩の絶え間より落ちくる水の音さへ趣(ゆゑ)び由(よし)ある処(ところ)なり。緑蘿(りょくら)の墻(かき)、翠黛(すいたい)の山、画(え)に描(か)くとも筆も及び難し。軒には蔦(つた)朝顔(は)ひ掛かり、荵(しのぶ)まじりの忘れ草、瓢箪(へうたん)しばしば空(むな)し、【草顔淵(がんえん)が巷(ちまた)に繁(しげ)し、藜籗(れいでう)深く鎖(とざ)せり。雨原憲(げんけん)が扉(とぼそ)をうるほす】とも言ひつべし。板の葺目(ふきめ)もまばらにて、時雨(しぐれ)も霜も置く露も、漏(も)る月光(つきかげ)にあらそひて、たまるべしとも見えざりけり。



This is a historic place, so that you could hear tastefully even the sounds of dripping water from a crack between moss-grown rocks.  Green ivy thrives to make a hedge.  A dim silhouette of remote mountains resembles the line depicted by an eyebrow pencil.  The beauty is beyond description.  Vines of ivy and morning glory wind around the eaves.  Sinobu and gourd grow all over the garden.  An old Confusian book says, "Ganen's house is dilapidated by a lot of weeds.  He is short of even water to drink.  Genken's house falls into ruin owing to thick Agaza plants.  The door of his cot is all dampened by a drizzle."  Here my hut is just like theirs.  Boards on the roof are so ill-thatched that I will be never able to shelter from the rain.  Rain, frost and dewdrops fall in my room through crevices around the roof as easily as moonlight shines into it.

S先生:味のある表現があちこちに見られてとても良かったです。第1文の「, so that」は結果節であり、ちょっと凝っていますがまあ分かります。カンマがない場合は目的節になるので区別をしっかりしておきたいところ。ここは「, so that」の代わりに where でもいけそうなところであって、あまり凝る必要もないといえばないですけどね。それよりも節中にある could に味がありました。普通に can でも良いところですが、could にしたことで「多分あなたは聞く気もないだろうがもし聞く気があるのなら聞こえますよ」と訴えかけてきましたね。第3文末の an eyebrow pencil というのは化粧品の道具ですが、ここでは単に a paintbrush「絵筆」でよいと思います。

Even the sounds of dripping water through the crevices of mossy rocks tell that this is a place with a long history.  Green vines are growing into thick hedges and mountains far away look so minute that it seems difficult to draw them vividly.  Ivies and morning glories are creepimg up on the eaves and ferns and gourda are growing in disorder.  We find a poem in a Confusian book : "Ganen is too poor to get drinking water, and all sorts of weeds are growing around his house.  All around Ganken's shanty is covered with thick akaza grasses and rain drops fall down on wooden doors from its roof."  This is just the way my shanty is.  Through the cracks of the shingles fall down drizzling rain, frost and dew drops.  Even the moonlight shines through them.  Such being the case, I won't be able to keep myself from getting wet.

N君:先生の第7文では Through 以下の副詞句を強調するためにこれを前に出して、副詞句+V+S の語順にした、と考えてよいですか?
