

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第366回 2022.3/19




Again Samanokami uttered, "Those who have a superficial knowledge, whether the person is a man or a woman, are prone to show off everything they know in a shallow way.  How lamentable it is !  If a woman, just as she were a scholar, would try to look into everything about academic matters like Sanshi or Gokyo,  we could not help regarding her as a person having no charm.  Generally speaking, there will be no woman who does not know anything about both official and private matters in her social life.  If she has a little capacity to cope with social things, she may be able to deal with them without any special lesson.  It is as if a child living in front of a temple can chant a sutra though he has not been taught.

S先生:今日の所はまずまずです。第1文 whether節の中味ですが、主語の those がすでにあるので、ここの the person is というSVを省略して、whether men or women, とするのがスッキリしていて、こうすると最後まで複数形を貫くことができます。第3文の just as ~ はこれでもよいですが、as if ~も良いでしょう。第5文の deal with ですが、文の前半に cope with が出ているので、同じような形を避ける意味で、たとえば solve を使うのが良いでしょう。文末の lesson はこれでもよいですが、knowledge も良いと思います。第6文では「門前の小僧習わぬ経を読む」を上手に英訳できています。

Sama-no-Kami answered back, "The trouble is that either man or woman is likely to show off his or her superficial knowledge.  I should think it a little saucy for women to try to master 'Three Chinese History Books' and 'Confusian Five Doctrines' as if they were scholars.  But it is wrong to say that woman know nothing at all about public and private affairs in the world.  If they are a little resourceful, they will learn various things naturally without being taught at all.