

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第365回 2022.3/18




"Where on earth is there such an uncommon woman ?  We may as well face a demon as make a tryst with her.  Her cleverness is creepy !"  said the three men with their fingers snapped to drive out evil spirits.  Futhermore they criticized Shikibu, "We can hardly believe your exaggerated story.  Compose a bit better story in any case !"  Paying littele attention to their criticism, Shikibu smiled and said, "Well, where on earth do you find a story more interesting and unusual than this ?" 

S先生:今日はなかなか良い出来です。第3文の with以下の付帯状況や、第7文の分子構文が、軽快な感じを出していて好感が持てます。ただし第4文に注文があります。criticize にはすでに Shikibu という目的語があって、”We can ~ " を目的語とする動詞が見当たりません。こういうところは、they criticuzed Shikibu, saying, "We can hardly ~ " という具合に、saying を挟むのが良いでしょう。

"Where in the world can you find such an odd woman ?  We would rather sit with a devil face to face than with her.  Don't tell us a creepy story."  They snapped their fingers to drive out evil spirits and reproached Shikibu hatefully for his big talk, saying, "Why can't you say something more sensible ?"  Shikibu said calmly, "Well, you can't find any more curious story than this."

N君:S先生の第2文を見て「~するほうがマシ」という言い方には、may as well do および would rather do という言い方があることを知りました。第4文末の形容詞sensible はなかなか思いつかない単語です。「分別のある、目的にかなった」の意だそうで辞書の例文には、It will be sensible of you (You will be sensible) to wear sneakers for tomorrow's hiking. という文が出ていました。こういうところで使うんですね。