

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第364回 2022.3/17

帚木190:(式部の言葉続き)ただ、(式部)『承りぬ』とて立ち出で侍るに、さうざうしくやおぼえけむ、(女)『この香うせなむ時、立ち寄り給へ』と高やかに言ふを、聞き過ぐさむもいとほし、しばらく休らふべきにはた侍らねば、げにそのにほひさへはなやかに立ち添へるも、すべなくて、逃げめをつかひて、(式部)『ささがにの振舞しるき夕暮れに ひるま過ぐせと言ふがあやなさ。いかなることづけぞや』と、言ひも果てず走り出で侍りぬるに、追ひて、(女)『あふことの夜をし隔てぬ中ならば 昼間もなにかまばゆからまし』、さすがに口とくなどは侍りき」と、しづしづと申せば、君たち、あさましと思ひて(君たち)「そらごと」とて笑ひ給ふ。


N君:優雅であるはずの歌のやりとりに、ニンニクが紛れ込んで funny な感じになっています。そうしてそれを大真面目に話す式部のすっとぼけた味が、ほかの3人の男たちの笑いを誘いました。長雨の夜を男4人で話し明かす、楽しい時間ですね。「あさまし」は重要な形容詞で「驚き呆れるほどの」の意です。

All I could do was to answer O.K. reluctantly and came home.  When I left her house, she might be unsatisfied with my vacant return and said aloud, 'When this bad smell has gone, I wonder if you might drop in on me.'  I thought she might be pitiful if I would leave her without making any response to her.  But it seemed strange that I would go back to her house and enjoy her company.  In addition, the awful odor from that thing, so called garlic, spread here and there.  Shrinking away from her pressure, I sent her a poem : 'Although you definitely know by watching the spider's movement that I will come here at this evening, it is irrational for you to make me kill daytime for the trival reason of the garlic odor.  Do you mean to drive me out of your house because of a minute dispute ?'  No sooner had I handed her the poem than I ran away from her house.  But then she swiftly threw an impudent poem on my back, 'If we were on good terms so that we could meet every evening,  I could meet you with no embarrassment in the daytime when my house is filled with the garlic odor.  However, you seldom visit me.'  I was deeply impressed by her ability to improvise the smart poem."  Shikibu finished his tale.  The other three men were amazed at his I-know-how-it-is look.  They said, "Shikibu, you have made up a fiction, haven't you."  and burst into laughter.

S先生:全体的にやや硬いがまずまずの出来でしょう。第2文の vacant return は「空虚な返事」の意だと思いますが、何のことだか分かりません。hastiness くらいでどうでしょうか。第4文の she might be pitiful はおおいに問題です。pitiful は限定的な用法の形容詞で、a pitiful sight「痛ましい光景」、pitiful children「哀れな子供たち」のように、名詞を修飾する形で使われます。ゆえに She is pitiful のような叙述用法には適さないのです。「彼女が可哀そう」と言いたいなら、I feel pity for her. というふうにします。したがってここでは she might feel sorry(pityでもよい) for herself とすべきでしょう。第15文の his I-know-how-it-is look は「式部の悟ったような表情」の意でしょうか、かなり凝った表現で面白いですが、his composed look くらいでも通じると思います。

I just said, 'I see', and left her abode quickly.  Then she said clearly as if she still had something to say, 'I hope you will drop in on me when this stink is gone.'  Though I thought it might make her sad to ignore her, I was not willing to go back and have a good time with her.  Besides, the garlic was giving off such a bad smell that I had no other choice but to run away from her, leaving the following verse : 'A spider ought to have shown you that I am coming to see you this evening.  Why should be asked spend my time somewhere during the day when the garlic smells so bad ?   Isn't it too unreasonable ?  What are you going to refuse to see me for ?'  As soon as I said so, I ran away from her.  But she chased after me and replied like this : 'If we were on so good termes as to meet each other every night, how should I be ashamed to see you in the daytime even if the garlic smells so bad ?  But you seldom visit me.  You have drifted apart from me, haven't you ?'  How I was impressed with her ability of composing a poem with such lightening speed !"  He talked about his love affair so composedly that everybody was greatly amazed and said, bursting out laughter, "You have made up a story, haven't you ?"

N君:第14文の How I was impressed ~ ! という感嘆文は、How の後にたとえば deeply のような副詞が必要と思います。どうして副詞がないのでしょうか。

S先生:もちろん deeply があるのが普通なのですが、そうするとなんとなくクドイ感じがしませんか? 思い切って deeply を除外すると引き締まった感じになるのです。たとえば、How heavily it rains ! で良いのですが、How it rains ! もあり、なのです。あるいは、How big you've grown ! で良いのですが、How you've grown ! もあり、です。ただし、How fluently he speaks English ! では、副詞省略は無理でしょう。