

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第381回 2022.4/3




He ceased eavesdropping the conversation by the talkative young ladies, for they were just amusing themselves with a meaningless discussion.  But surprisingly, their conversation contained the subject of a poem which Genji had sent to the daughter of Lord Shikibu with a flower of morning glory, though the words were a little different from the real thing.  Again he sighed deeply and said to himself, "Oh, dear.  The idlers are reciting a wrong poem on the pretense of understanding all about it.  The woman famous for being highly proud of herself, who is served by these mean idlers, will be a mediocre person.  If I see her, I will be discouraged by her figure and personarity.

S先生:今日のところは文法的・語法的な誤りはないのですが、とても硬い。英語らしさがない、といってもよいでしょう。もう少し肩の力を抜いて、血の通った柔らかい表現を心がけるようにしてください。第2文主節の their conversation contained the subject of a poem ~ はとても硬い。someone referred to a poem ~ くらいでよいと思います。それに続く関係代名詞節の中の the daughter of Lord Shikibu も Lord Shikibu's daughter として、少しでも軽くしましょう。第2文譲歩節の終わりにある the real thing も硬いので、those in his poem くらいにしましょう。第4文後半の on the pretense of understanding all about it も大変硬い。ここは as if they knew everything about it というふうに節にするのが良いでしょう。節にすると重くなると勘違いしているかもしれませんが、そんなことはなくて、ここの例のように、柔らかく軽くなることもあるのです。両者を音読して比較してみてください。第6文末の her figure and personarity も硬い。ここは her だけでよいでしょう。英作文は難しく考えてはいけません。柔らかく締まった英文で、採点者にアピールしましょう。

But what the young ladies were chattering was not worth listening to.  He stopped eavesdropping on their conversation.  While they were talking, one of them misquoted a poem Genji had sent to Lord Shikibu's daughter with morning glories attached to it.  Genji thought that he would be disappointed to see the lady famous for her conceit, seeing that she was served by the ladies-in-waiting with such low-level knowledge of poems.


S先生:Night has fallen, but I still have a long way to go. だね。時には落ち込むこともあるでしょうが、あきらめずにコツコツ続ける者が最後に笑うのです。今日はちょっと早く終わったので久しぶりに英作談義をしましょうか。Greek といえば「ギリシア人、ギリシア語」の意ですが、It's all Greek to me.「チンプンカンプンだ」を知っていますか? ギリシア語が難しいからこういう言い方が発生したのでしょうね。普通なら I cannot understand it at all. と言うべきところで、It's all Greek to me. が出てきたらワンランク上ですね。