

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第397回 2022.4/19




”I , an inexperienced man, can hardly understand how love relates to ranks.  It is thoughtless of you to mix up me with a swarm of common playboys around you for all my naive traits.  Have you happened to hear that I am the last man who forces a woman to do something for me ?   I cannot accept this unbelievable disorder in my heart which comes from being despised by you.  Maybe I am doomed to carry the disorder on my back from my former life,"  said Genji seriously with all words he could think up.  It was true that she tried to refuse his proposal, but that was not because she disliked him.  The reason why she refused him was that she thought it more painful to part from him after accepting his affection.  She might as well avoid him as make love with the most handsome man in the world.  Therefore she pretended to treat him indifferently and said to herself, "I don't care how he thinks about me.  It's O.K., however terribly he regards me as a cold-hearted woman.  Why don't I just press my unfavorable impression on him ?"

S先生:今日の作文はまずまずでした。第2文末の for all my naive traits は除外してもよいですね。第3文に現れた特殊な否定強調文 I am the last man who ~ ですが、whoがいけません。序数とかthe last のように非常に限定的な先行詞を受けるのは who ではなくて that です。第5文の I am doomed to carry the disorder on my back は、確かにそうなのですが、もっと軽く I am doomed to live like this としたほうが分かり易いと思います。第6文に再び It is true that A, but B が出てきました。このシステムを完全に自分のものにしたようですね。同じ第6文の try to do「~しようとする(まだしていない)」も正しく使うことができました。try doing「ためしに~する(もうやった)」との区別ができていますね。第7文の The reason why ~ はこのままでもよいですが、why を除外することもできます。むしろ why を除外して reason だけにするほうが普通です。第8文の may as well A as B「BするくらいならAするほうがマシ」は高級な言い方で、ここでは適切に使えています。下に示した私の作文では、同じ内容を違う表現で言ってみたので、注意して比べてみて下さい。

"I, a green young man, don't know how you are judged by your rank.  But it makes me sad for you to take me for one of the playboys you see around.  As you might have heard of me, I am not such a kind of man as will lead a dissipated life as he pleases.  Shall I have to accept it as fate that I am being looked down on by you ?  I don't know why, but I am so much disturbed."  Genji used every word he could think of to court her but she would not listen to him at the thought that she would become all the more hopeless if she should be blinded by his matchless beauty and give herself willingly.  Not minding being thought that she was a blunt and insensitive woman, she decided to treat him coldly on purpose.

N君:気になる言い方を僕なりにピックアップしてみます。S先生第1文の green は「青二才の」という意味の形容詞。第3文の as は関係代名詞で、前にある such に引っ張られて出現したのでしょう。同じく第3文の lead+a+形容詞+life「~な生活を送る」はよく出る言い方で、動詞として lead が使われることに注意。第6文の she would not listen to him に出てきた would not は「強い拒絶の意志」を表していて「女君はどうしても源氏の言うことを聞き入れようとはしなかった」の意。同じく第6文後半の she would become all the more hopeless if ~ は「~するとあとでかえってゲンナリする」の意。

S先生:だいたい大切なポイントを押さえていると思います。will が強い意志を表すことがあり、研究社の辞書を引いてみると、He would get in my light.「あいつは事あるごとに、かたくなに僕の邪魔をしようとした」という例文が出ていました。get(stand) in one's light「人の明るいところに立つ = 邪魔をする」の意味です。これが否定形になると will not で、強い拒絶の意志を表すことになり、たとえば、The door would not open.「どうやっても開かなかった」なんていう例文もあります。