

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第379回 2022.4/1




The way they giggled with some reservation, recogniging his coming, was indeed deliberate.  Kii-no-kami went around their rooms and shut the doors which had been left open, complaining about their carelessness and thoughtlessness.  Since the interior candle light projected their shadows on the paper screen no matter how tightly the rooms were closed,  Genji walked near one of the rooms with stealthy steps.  He exerted to have a chance to peep into the room, but he could not find out any chink.  He had no choice but to stand still there and listen to their whispered conversation.  They seemed to gather at the center of the room.  Surprisingly enough, they were apparently talking about Genji in a low voice.

S先生:今回は上出来ですよ。特に第3文の no matter how+副詞(形容詞) にひきいられた譲歩節の使い方など、N君の作文力アップを感じました。このほか、第4文の exert to do 「懸命に~する」、第5文の have no choice but to do 「~するしかない」、なんでもないことですが第7文の Surprisingly enough「驚いたことに」、などなど小気味良いリズムが感じられてとても良かったです。それから、これはちょっと関係ない話なのですが、第5文末に出てきた conversation を見て思い出したことがあるので昔話をします。私が学生の時の試験で、conversation「会話」の v と s を入れ替えた conservation「保存」を間違えて、長文の意味が分からなくなってしまった苦い経験がありました。人間一度思い込んでしまうと自分の誤解に気づけないものです。試験というのは時間が限られていてあせっていますから、普段では考えられないような間違いをしでかすものです。変だと思ったら「背筋を伸ばして高いところから眺める」ようにしましょう。

Knowing that Genji had visited there, they were chuckling reservedly as if to restrain their curiosity consciously.  The doors of the west room had been left open.  The Governor was walking around to shut them, complaining that it was careless and thoughtless to leave them open.  Though the doors had been closed, the shadows of the persons shone by a candlelight were to be seen through the sliding doors.  Expecting that he could possibly see them, Genji went quietly near the doors.  But there was no crack through which to peep at the ladies.  He had no choice but to eavesdrop on them.  He found those young ladies getting together in the main room.  Hearing them whispering incessantly, Genji noticed that they were apparently gossiping about him.

N君:第1文の restrain は「人が感情や行動を抑える」の意なので「女房たちはまるで自分たちの好奇心を抑えるかのように」となるのでしょうが、as if to do の形は初めて見ました。

S先生:as if they were going to restrain ~ がもとの形で、they were going が省略されています。例文をひとつあげておくと、He shook his head as if (he were going) to say that he knew nothing. のようになります。

N君:ということは第6文でも there was no crack through which (he was going) to peep at the ladies と考えて良いですか?

S先生:OKです。このような省略形はたまに出てくるので知っておいて損はないです。第7文の eavesdrop on them「彼女たちのヒソヒソ話を盗み聞きする」の eaves は「屋根のひさし・軒」の意です。軒端で聞き耳を立てている姿が目に浮かびます。