

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第297回 2022.1/9




However, even if you could seek out a wise man or two, he could never operate the whole nation's administrations well by himself.  After all, national affairs will be successfully treated by the cooperation between the upper class with virtue and the lower class with faithfulness.  The latter pleasantly works hard out of loyalty to the former who is humane.  On the other hand, when it comes to a housewife who keeps house by herself, she has no colleague.  Since she cannot depend on anyone, she must deal with all the matters in her house by herself.  You will agree to my opinion, won't you ?

S先生:第1文の administration は不可算名詞ですから複数形はいけません。第2文の treat は、たとえば treat him with respect,  treat animals kindly,  treat a new car with care のように人・動物・物に対して使います。事を処理するのは deal with なので、ここでは treated を dealt with by ~ として下さい。第3文の後半部にある out of loyalty to the former「上役への忠誠心から」は気持ちはわかるのですがやや大仰なので with loyalty for the former くらいにしてはどうでしょうか。第4文末の colleague はちょっと違う感じがするので supporter くらいにしておきたい。

However wise he may be, he cannot govern the country by himself.  Superiors must be supported by inferiors and the latter must defer to the former with respect.  That is how things go well as a whole.  But when it comes to a wife, she has to do everything by herself, because she has no one to help her.  In that case, she may be able to do this, but unable to do that.  But she must take control of all her housework.  Don't you think so ?

N君:第2文の defer について辞書を引くと、「延期する」と「敬意をもって従う」のふたつの意味が出てきました。ここではもちろん後者ですが、yield「譲る」と同様に、前置詞to を好むということが分かりました。第3文「そうすることでうまくいく」をサッと That is how things go well という具合に作文できるようになりたい、と思いました。こういう所が大事な気がします。