

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第311回 2022.1/23



N君:Praised by the people around her that it is a smart resolusion for her to run away from her capricious husband, she is liable to be encouraged by her own bold act which may lead to renouncing the world.  She may be in a fix of becoming a nun.  For the meantime, she may mean to have accomplished a serene thing.  She may be unwilling to put herself again in the real world filled with dirty relationships between man and woman.

S先生:今回は構成的にかなり問題ありです。第1文の分詞構文の所ですが praise は that節を取らないので全面的に改修します。Praised by the people around her for having run away from her capricious husband,  とします。次に第1文主節と第2文はともに冗長かつ大仰なので一つにまとめて、she is liable to bring herself to renounce the world and become a nun. くらいにしてはどうでしょうか。bring oneself to do「~する気になる」に、renounce the world と become a nun をつなげただけのアッサリした構文です。

The people around her praise her for having run away, and soon she will be flattered into renouncing the world and becoming a nun.  When she enters a convent, she will lead her life serenely as if she had no intention to return to the disgusting relations with her husband.

N君:be flattered into ~ing「おだてられて~する」。convent「修道院」。

S先生:前々回くらいに some と any の話が出たのでついでに少し追加しておきましょう。some が可算名詞に付く場合はその可算名詞は複数形になるが、不可算名詞の場合は単数形のままです。たとえば、Some  students like English.  では複数形、I need some bread.  ではもとの単数形のまま。また、someone, somebody, anyone, anybody はすべて単数扱いです。今日の話は中学生レベルですが、時々??となる生徒がいます。