

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第327回 2022.2/8



N君:Given I think of her calmly now, she was not so bad.  She was eager to deal with what might please me, even if she was not good at that.  She exerted herself to do anything only not to disappoint me.  She took care of me enthusiastically.  She woud be determined not to do anything that might be unfavorable to my taste, I suppose.  Although I saw her as a stout-hearted woman at first, she became amenable and good-tempered as I lead a happy life with her.  She was keen to make herself up in case she should be disliked for not so good appearance which she had been well aware of.  When a man, unfamiliar to her, visited me, she never showed up for fear that she should make me ashamed by revealing her face to the visitor.  She was consistent in the policy.  Therefore, as I had been accustomed to seeing her and talking with her since we started to live together, I came to feel her nature rather comfortable except the only bad point : her jealousy !!

S先生:全体としては良く書けていますがやはり持って回った言い方が多くて読み進めるのに時間がかかる印象です。第5文は「彼女は私の嫌いなことは何もしないと固く心に決めていた」という文章で、that節の中の might be unfavorable to my taste が回りくどいと思います。might not suit me で良いと思います。この suit は「物事が人に似あう」の意です。ちょっと意訳になりますが簡潔さを優先しました。第7文の not so good appearance は苦労の跡が見えますが英語になっていません。her being plain として一旦カンマで区切り、次の関係代名詞へ続くようにするのが良いと思います。第1文の接続詞 Given、第3文の exert oneself to do、第7文の接続詞 in case、第8文の接続詞 for fear that ~、第10文の be accostomed to+名詞 などなど見所もたくさんありましたが、やはり全体的に硬い印象です。

She was endowed with something good.  For my sake she would do anything even if she had no talent for it.  Probably she did not want to be taken for good-for-nothing woman.  She took serious care of me in everything lest she should make me dissatisfied.  At first she seemed to be a strong-willed woman, but while I lived together with her, I found her gentle and docile.  She knew herself so well of her plainness that she put on makeup carefully, and would not show herself so as not to embarrass me when not so close a friend came to see me.  She would not change her attitude throughout.  As I became accustomed to her way of life, I came to think that she was not so bad-tempered, except that she was a jealous woman.

N君:辞書でいろいろ調べました。第1文の endow は gift と同じような意味ですね。ここでは be endowed with ~「天から~を授かる」のような意味です。第3文の she did not want to be taken for good-for-nothing woman.  は「ろくでなし女と思われたくなかった」の意ですね。第4文の接続詞 lest と第6文の so as not to do はともに「~しないように、~するといけないから」のような意であって、僕の作文に出てきた in case や for fear that ~ と同類ですね。古文で言うところの「もぞ」「もこそ」であって、ここに「懸念の表現」が勢ぞろいした感があります。第6文の docile「従順な、御しやすい」=obedient です。第7文は so well の位置が that 直前のほうがしっくりくるのですが、このように少しでも前に出すことで強調しているのでしょうか。でもなんとなくここにあるほうが英語っぽい感じがします。