

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第211回 2021.10/15



N君Of course, Genji did not remember the figure of his mother, the late Kiritsubo.  However, when he heard Naishi-no- suke's words that Lady Fujitsubo resembled his mother, he, who was still young and was not accustomed to things, could not help being attracted by her.  No wonder that he was inclined to go near her and be on friendly termes with her.

S先生:全体的によく書けていますが、第1文の the figure of を除外する方が良いと思います。姿だけではなく母親としての桐壺を全体として remember の目的語にしたいからです。第3文の No wonder that ~「~するのも無理はない、当然だ」の使い方はこれで良いと思います。be inclined to do「~したい気がする」も感じが出ていますが、なんとなく冗長な言い方なので、簡潔に書くことを心がけて下さい。

Of course Genji did not remember his own mother at all.  But when he heard Naishinosuke say that Fujitsubo looked just like his mother, the young and inexperienced boy could not but be charmed with her beauty.  Naturally he wanted to be always with her.