

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第370回 2022.3/23




Everyone, who is unaware of bothering others by his or her ill-mannered conduct, may as well avoid poking his or her nose into such an affected art as a poem.  It is favorable that we are silent even about what we are unfamiliar with.  It is desirable that we leave one or two things unexpressed even if there are many things we want to say."  Samanokami finished his long talk as if it were a conclusion.  Listening to that, Genji was thinking of nothing but Lady Fujitsubo.

S先生:構文的にも語法的にもあまり言うことはありません。今日の出来は良いです。ただし第1文に2回出てくる his or her はクドイ感じがしますね。そもそも左馬頭は今、困った歌詠みの女性について話しているのですから、ここは女性と考えて一本化すべきだろうと思います。すると文頭の everyone も女性に変えるべきでしょうね。

A lady, who can't see how much her partner is annoyed by her improper deed, had better not show her taste in such an affected way.  She ought to pretend to know nothing and keep silent even if she has a good knowledge of something.  And she should not talk about everything she wants to say, but leave one or two things unsaid."  Sama-no-Kami concluded like this.  Listening to him, Genji was only thinking of Lady Fujitsubo.