

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第189回 2021.9/23



N君:Then Utaiben and the master from Kohrai exchanged their Chinese poems.  Meanwhile the day when he was to leave Japan came at last.  The master elabolated poems in which he expressd how glad he was to see such a beautiful young man and how all the more regretful he was for parting the youth.  The young Prince, too, composed an appropriate and improvisational poem to show the master a courtesy.  The master admired the excellent poem and gave him splendid gifts.

S先生:第3文で express の目的語としてふたつの how節が出ています。始めのほうは問題ないと思います。後のほうですが、how+all the 比較級 の形はあまり見たことがありません。たぶん大丈夫だと思うのですが、安全を期すなら that節に変えて、that he was all the more regretful to part from the youth. とする手もあります。このように変えた場合最初の how節も思い切って that節に変えたほうが良いですね。結局ひとつにまとめて、that he was glad to see such a beautiful young man and all the more regretful for parting the youth. となってしまうのですが、こうすると how節の時に感じられた vivid な感じが失われて平凡な抑揚になってしまうのが難点です。もしかしたらN君のオリジナル作が一番良いかもしれないね。

They also exchanged Chinese poems with each other.  At last the day came when he must return to his country.  At their parting, the Korean presented the young Prince with a poem in which he expressed that he was very happy to meet such an excellent youth and that he was all the more sorrowful to part from him, while the young Prince replied in a quick and witty poem that he also felt deeply sad about their parting.  The Korean, who admired his verse highly, presented the Prince with splendid gifts.

N君:present+人+with+物 という形を覚えました。