

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第169回 2021.9/3



N君:こそ+已然形 の係り結びがそこで終わらずに続いていく時には逆接の意をあらわします。以前も出て来た重要な言い方でした。

"We don't know how profound the karma is between Him and Kiritsubo.  When she was alive He did not care about any fierce criticism and grudge piling up on her, while He was apt to easily lose Himself about affairs related to her.  After she died, He turned into a sulky idler who looks tired of everything in the world.  What a dramatical change it is !  Ah, we are keenly anxious about His weakness."  Badly did the court members make such rumors with each other, quoating the ancient Chinese tale about the Emperor Genso.

S先生:第1文の between Him and Kiritsubo ですが、一瞬 He なんじゃないの?と感じる人がいるかもしれません。前置詞の目的語には目的格を使うべきなので Him で良いのです。第3文ですが、天皇に対してさすがに sulky idler「子供じみた怠け者」は言い過ぎの感があるので、ここは He looks as if He were tired of everything,,,, くらいにしておきましょう。第6文の強調文は「副詞+助動詞+SV」でとても良いのですが、そもそもここに強調を置く必要があるのかどうかを考えた時、ここは素直に Thus they whispered and grieved with each other,,,,, という感じでまとめる方が穏便だと思います。N君のヤル気がほとばしっているのはOKですが、表現をやりすぎてもいけません。サッカーの国際試合で「熱いものを胸に秘めて冷静に戦おう」と言われますが、英作も同じです。

They whispered, referring to the story of the Emperor Genso, "We don't know how He and Kiritsubo were predistined, but as far as she was concerned, He seemed to have lost control of Himself, ignoring many ladies' reproaches and grudges.  But now that she is gone, He seems to have forgotten all the affairs of this world.  We are quite at a loss what to do."