

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第157回 2021.8/22



N君:In the morning and evening He recalled the promise in which He and Kiritsubo pledged themselves to be a close partner like the phrase sung in the Chinese poem, the Long Lasting Song of Sorrow, as follows : "In the heaven we want to be a bird which shares its wings, and on the ground we want to be a tree which shares its roots."  He felt a deep regret about her short life for which their promise was not realized.

S先生:だいたいOKですが、第1文の In the と sung は不要、第2文の on the ground は on earth のほうが良いと思います。特に冒頭の部分は、書くとすれば In the morning and at night なのですが、ここは Morning and night として全体として副詞句と考えればよいのですから前置詞にこだわる必要はありません。

Morning and night they used to repeat to each other the lines from "The Song of Everlasting Sorrow" : 'In the Heaven we would like to become a bird that shares wings.  On Earth we would like to become a branch that shares annual rings.'  Remembering that they had promised to get along with each other as the lines said, He lamented that she  had lived a transient life without being able to keep their promise.

N君:get along は「なんとか生きていく」の意かと思っていたが「仲良くやっていく」の意もあるそうで、ここでは後者ですね。lament「嘆き悲しむ」で mourn for に似ています。