

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第148回 2021.8/13



N君:The Emperor too was keen to veil His dismayed heart, but in vain.  All He could do was recalling serially the various memories of those days when He had fallen in love with Kiritsubo at a single glance.  He said to Himself, "When she was alive, I could not part from her even for a minute.  Now I am wondering that the days are elapsing without the opportunities where I can meet her."  He was slightly surprised to know that the realistic time was passing.

S先生:第1文の ,but in vain はこれで良いと思いますが in vain を前に持ってくるやり方もあります。つまり、I tried to open the box, but in vain. は、I tried in vain to open the box. と同じです。第4文の wonder は、それに続く前置詞やthat節によって微妙に意味が異なるので注意しておくべき動詞です。まず、I wondered at her playing the piano beautifully. は「びっくりした」の意。次に、I wondered about the feasibility of the project. は「疑わしく思った」の意。最後に、I wondered that he had not been hurt. は「よく怪我をしなかったもんだと思った」の意で wonder at に似ていますが少しマイルドな感じです。ここでのN君の使い方はこれでOKと思います。同じく第4文の where ですがここは when が適当でしょう。

The Emperor Himself lost His presence of mind and tried in vain not to show that He was in such poor health.  He remembered the old memories of those days when He had fallen in love with Kiritsubo at first sight.  He said to Himself, "Ah, I could not live apart from her while she was alive !  But how strange it is that the days go by even without seeing her !"  He could not but be surprised to notice it.

最後の文の末尾にある it は「彼女に会えなくても時は淡々と流れていくこと」を指しているので「彼女がいなくても時は流れていくことに気付いて帝は驚かざるを得なかった」というような意味になります。すこし凝った構成になっていますが、紫式部さんの言いたいことはそういうことだと思います。