

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第115回 2021.7/11



N君:’I have been bewildered because I could not realize her death, which seemed to have happened in a dream.  After I have calmed down, I noticed that I can hardly step out from the sad dream.  I cannot stand the helplessness.  In addition, I don't have a reliable person whom I can easily consult about what to do.  So, why don't you come to the Palace confidentially ?  I am anxious about the boy, and furthermore, I am worried about the way you have been spending tearful days.  Therefore I wonder whether you might visit me soon.’

S先生:can hardly step out は「踏み出すことができるかと問われればギリギリできるけど実のところほとんど出来まへん」という状態を表しており、ここでは適切です。why don't you は普通の依頼、wonder if(あるいはwhether) は丁寧な依頼で、節中の might によって丁寧さがさらに高まっている、ととらえておきましょう。the Palace ですがこの定冠詞が要るのか要らないのかが問題です。一般に、 go to school「登校する」のように本来の目的で行く時には無冠詞ですが、建物としての学校へ勉強以外の目的で行く時には go to the school という具合に定冠詞を付けるのです。今回の場合、桐壺母が帝の招きでこっそりと宮中へ参内するのは「本来の目的でいくのか、そうでないのか」判定が難しいです。英語で最も難しいのが冠詞でした。

Myoubu managed to deliver a sympathetic message from the Emperor.  "He barely said, choked with tears, 'After Kiritsubo is gone, I have been perplexed for a time as if I were in a nightmare.  But having become composed, I realize that I cannot awake from this sad dream, which makes me unbearable.  I have no one to consult as to what to do, and so I want you, my old lady, to come to Court secretly.  I am very worried about my young Prince.  I cannot bear letting him live at your home, where all are filled with bitter tears.  I wish you to come as soon as possible.' 

N君:情感のこもった見事な作文と思います。僕もこういうふうに作文したい。S先生は Court に定冠詞を付けませんでしたね。