

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第593回 2022.10/31

古文研究法41 徒然草:さしたる事なくて人のがり行くは良からぬことなり。用ありて行きたりともその事果てなばとく帰るべし。久しく居たる、いと難(むつか)し。人と対(むか)ひたれば言葉多く身もくたびれ心も静かならず万(よろづ)の事障(さは)りて時を移す、互いのため益(やく)なし。



It is bad to visit a man without something special to do.  Even if you went to see him on business, you had better come home immediately after the job.  He will feel disgusted if you linger on at his house.  When you sit face to face with a man, you will have to talk about this and that with him.  Under the condition you will be exhausted both physically and mentally.  Then everything will go wrong and time will be wasted, which is unprofitable for each other.

S先生:前回に引き続いて今回も上出来です。いつもの冗長さがなく説明的でもなくて簡潔にまとめられています。第2文は 主節が had better なのでそれに合わせて従属節も went にしたのでしょう。この主節に使われた動詞は確かに had better ですがこれは「ほぼ命令文」と捉えてもらって結構です。仮定法の文でもない、普通の現在の条件文と考えて下さい。したがってこの従属節の中の動詞は went ではなくて go でよいです。

It is no good for you to visit a man when you have nothing particular to talk about with him.  Even if you have something to tell him, you should leave him right away when you have finished your business.  It will be troublesome to remain there for a long time.  When you sit face to face with someone, you will be obliged to talk about this and that.  You will be very tired both in mind and body.  Besides that, it will be a waste of time and disadvantageous to both of you.

N君:S先生の作文の最後の所で、be 動詞の補語が二つあって、一つ目が a waste で、二つ目が disadvantageous というのは、これで良いのですか?

S先生:これは私がウッカリしておりました。SVC and C' の構文で、CとC’は同じ品詞であるべきです。a waste を wastful に変更しましょう。