Then the Minister of the Left, his father-in-law, came into the room. Seeing that Genji made himself at home, he refrained from facing Genji directly and set up an indirect meeting beyond a partition. Hearing his stiff-mannered talk, Genji blurted out a complaint with an unpleasant look, saying, "The partition interrupting the wind might make the matters worse、、、." Induced by his frank words, all the ladies-in-waiting were giggling. "Be silent, please." Genji controled their giggling and leaned comfortably on an armrest, which were just like the generous behaviors a noble man would show.
S先生:今日のところはこまごまとしたことが色々あります。第2文の Seeing that ~ は、~を見る、というよりは、~を理解する、という意味で使われていて、ここでは「~が分かったので」くらいに訳すと良いでしょう。同じ第2文の set up は考えすぎで、had くらいで良いでしょう。第3文は源氏の独り言ですが、The partition interrupting the wind might make the matters worse、、、. はいくらなんでも考えすぎです。When it is so hot, 、、、 くらいに素直に作文してよいと思います。第6文の were は behaviors につられて複数形にしたのでしょうが、主語はあくまでも「源氏の悠揚迫らぬ態度」なのですから、were ではなく was にすべきでしょう。しかし実際の英文において、単数主語+be動詞+複数補語 という構成で、ついつい複数補語に引っ張られて、be動詞が is ではなく are になってしまった例があって、N君の作文は間違いとは言い切れない、という側面もあるのです。文法的には?でも、実際にはそれでOKという例はたくさんあるのです。同じ第6文の noble man はケアレスミスでした。nobleman というふうに一語にすべきでしょう。
Before long the Minister of the Left, his father-in-law came to see him. Seeing that Genji was relaxed, he talked to him about this and that behind a wooden screen without seeing him face to face. Genji said with a disgusting look on his face, "It is so hot. What are you、、、?" All the ladies giggled. "Sh !" Stopping them from giggling, he leaned slowly on an armrest. He just looked like a composed nobleman.