

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第547回 2022.9/16

古文研究法12-1 土佐日記:かくてこの際(あひだ)に事多かり。今日(けふ)破籠(わりご)持たせて来たる人、その名なぞどや今思ひ出でむ、この人、歌詠まむと思ふ心ありてなりけり。とかく言ひ言ひて「浪の立つなること」と憂へ言ひて詠める歌「行く先に立つ白浪の声よりもおくれて泣かむ我やまさらむ」とぞ詠める。

さてこの期間にいろんな事があった。今日、従者に破籠を持たせて来た人 ー 名は何といったかそのうち思い出すだろうが ー この人は歌を詠んでやろうという気があってやって来たのだった。それからそれへとしゃべった後「浪が立ってますな」と心配したような事を言って詠んだ歌が傑作でした。「これから先の航路に立つ白い浪の音よりも、取り残されて泣く私の声のほうが大きいでしょう」。そりゃ大変な大声だね


Various things occurred during this period.  The man who came here today having his servant carry a basket filled with foods for a banquet ー his name will float up on my memory although I cannot recall it now ー seemed to have come here in order to show off his poems instead of bidding farewell to me.  After talking about miscellaneous things, he abruptly said as if he had misgivings about my voyage, "The waves are somewhat high."  Then he composed a poem :  'You are about to embark on your travel with leaving me alone.  The cry of my sorrow will be louder than the white waves stirred up by your ship.'  Oh, what a noisy wail you will make !

S先生:なかなか良い出来ですがふたつほど指摘があります。まずは第2文の foods ですが、この単語は基本的に不加算名詞と考えていてよいかと思います。natural foods「自然食品」のような言い方もありますが、数えるときは普通は a piece of food のような言い方をします。この第2文では nice food くらいにしておくのが良いと思います。次は第6文の You are about to embark on your travel with leaving me alone. の with を除外して下さい。with は付帯状況を作るのであって分詞の前に置くことはありません。付帯状況の例を示しておきます。Don't speak with your mouth full. (形容詞)。She fell asleep with her clothes on. (副詞)。He sat with his eyes closed. (過去分詞)。With night coming on, we started for home. (現在分詞)。

Various things happened to me during this period.  A man visited me today having his servant carry a dinner basket.  I have forgotten his name but will recall it sooner or later. His intension seemed to compose a poem for me.  After he had talked about one thing after another as if it were painful for him to part from me, he said with an anxious look, "The waves are very high, aren't they ?"  And he chanted, "My tearful voice is much louder than the sound of the white waves heard on your boat offshore, for I will be left alone."

貫之の ironical な最後の一文は表面には出ていないので、私の作文にはあえて入れませんでした。読者に察して欲しいというわけです。