

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第270回 2021.12/13



N君:During the long spell of rainy season with no interval of a sunny day, many aristocrats in the Palace happened to lead an inactive life of ritual abstinence.  Genji, one of men-in-waiting of the Emperor, was also obliged to stay there for a long period.  Having not seen his visit for long, the Minister's worried about what he was thinking of and blamed him inwardly for his not coming.  However, anxious about him, they went on waiting for him with having his newly elabolate clothes tailored.  Moreover, The Minister's sons frequented Genji's room for his night duty in the Palace and would have miscellaneous conversations with him.

S先生:第1文に現れた spell は多義語で「つづる」「呪文」「期間」などいろいろあるのでこの機会に辞書を引いて調べておくことをおすすめします。このうち「期間」は「あるひと続きの期間」の意味なので、今回のN君の使い方は好適だったと思います。happen to do「たまたま~する」を使ったのは悪くないが、「たまたま閉じこもり生活になった」というよりは「長雨のため仕方なくそうなった」の意を込めて were forced to lead ~ という手もあります。abstinence「禁欲」はかなり高級な単語ですね。さてここまでは小さなことですが、あと二つは大きなことなので気合いを入れて聞いてください。第3文冒頭の「完了形分詞構文の否定」ですが、必ず否定語を having の前に置いて下さい。すなわち、Having not seen his visit は誤りであり、Not having had a visit from him のようにして下さい。例文を挙げると、Not having finished his task, he was not allowed to go out. のようになります。第4文に現れた付帯状況の with はとてもよいのですが、その中身の his に大きな問題があります。まずは例文で考えてみましょう。I went to buy a necktie for me. 「自分用のネクタイを買いに行った」は何の問題もないが、I went to buy my necktie. 「すでに持っている自分のネクタイを買いに行った」は完全におかしい。それと同様にN君の作文:with having his newly elabolate clothes tailored 「すでに源氏が持っている趣向を凝らした新しい衣裳を誂えて貰って」は完全に変なのです。ここは with having newly elabolate clothes tailored for him でなければなりません。このわずかな違いの中に日本語と英語の違いが凝縮していると言ってもよいでしょう。

It was a rainy season and a long rain continued.  Because of the purification season at Court, they were forced to refrain from leading a willful life.  Genji, who attended on the Emperor, was also compelled to stay at Court for a long time.  The Minister of the Left and his family worried about why Genji would not visit his wife.  Yet they kept waiting for him to come, making a new type of attire for him, while the Minister's sons would visit to make friends with Genji, who was on night duty.
