

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第177回 2021.9/11



N君:Given an opportunity to read a book in a ceremony, he was found to be a conspicuously talented boy.  The Emperor was worried about his cleverness, reminded of an ominous superstition saying that the wiser a child is, the earlier he will die.

S先生:全体的にとても良い。第2文の最後のところにことわざみたいなものが現れますが、ここは間接話法より直接話法のほうが良いと思うので、superstition, " The wiser,,,,,,,,."としてはいかがでしょうか。

At the ceremony of reading the Chinese Classics, they were surprised to find that he was a rarely wise child.  The Emperor was afraid that this sagacity of his son might bring him misfortune, for it was believed that too bright a child would die young.

N君:この they は「宮廷の人たち」みたいなぼんやりした意味でしょう。sagacious「機敏な、利口な」、sagacity「聡明さ」。too bright a child は語順注意ですね。