

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第192回 2021.9/26

桐壺132:みかど、かしこき御心にやまと相をおほせて、おぼしよりにける筋なれば、今までこの君をみこにもなさせ給はざりけるを「相人はまことにかしこかりけり」とおぼして (帝の言葉)「無品の親王外戚のよせなきにては、ただよはさじ。


N君:However, the Emperor, who had learned how to tell a person's fortune in Japanese style, had already divined the future of the second Prince and figured out roughly what the foreign master said.  As the boy's future was identically predicted by the Emperor and the foreign master, He was convinced of the master's authentic ability.  Having seen the boy's uncertain future, He left him halfway deliberately and did not give him the post of a Prince.  The Emperor thought definitely, "Because he is destined to have the two ways about his future, it will be bad to give him an unstable post of a Prince with no rank.  Especially a Prince who is not backed up by a powerful clan will be more unstable.


The Emperor Himself, however, had told the second Prince's fortune with His own knowledge of Japanese physiognomy.  He had already known almost the same thing as the Korean foretold.  Impressed with the expert's fortune telling, He had remained from bestowing an Imperial Rank on His second Prince.  The boy had such a bad fortune, and in addition to that, he had no relatives to support him.