

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第193回 2021.9/27



N君:Even the throne of Myself is not sure to last for a long period.  Therefore, he may as well renounce his membership in the Imperial Family, go down to a subordinate grade, and help the Court from outside.  It will be the safest way for him."  Such being the case, He made him learn many subjects.

S先生:第2文の may as well do 「~するほうがまし」は高級な言い方ですがここでは適切でした。help the Court from outside はどうもしっくりこないので serve the Emperor as an aide くらいでどうでしょうか。ちなみに aid「援助者」、aide「補佐官」でだいたい同じなのですが、後者のほうが政府高官という感じが出ます。

The Emperor thought that it will be undesirable to leave him halfway as a Prince with no Imperial Rank.  He Himself was not sure how long He could be on the throne.  So He thought that it would be the best way to lower him to a rank of a subject and make him play a role as an aide of the Emperor.  Thus the Prince was encouraged to do his best in arts and studies.

N君:偶然ですが、僕の作文に出てきた subject は「科目」だったのに、S先生の作文に出てきた subject は「従属者、臣下」でした。