

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第232回 2021.11/5



N君:Then he inquired the matter of the Emperor informally.  Fortunately He was kind enough to reply, "If that is the case, it may be good to settle your daughter as Genji's wife to lie down with him because there seems to be no solid woman he has in mind at present."  Therefore the minister was determined to act as He said.

S先生:第1文の inqire+物・事+of+人「ものを人に尋ねる」は大切な言い方です。ask に比べて inuire はやや硬くかしこまった感じの語なのでこの場面にピッタリでした。第2文の solid woman は何事かと読者の目を白黒させてしまいそうです。solid を除外しましょう。woman だけで分かります。そのすぐ後にある接触節の he has in mind at present はなかなかしゃれた言い回しだと思います。

So he asked the Emperor how He would think of his intention.  The Emperor gave him gracious words, "If you think so, I suggest that Genji (should) have her as his wife to sleep beside him because he seems to have no formal wife to support him yet."  The Minister was relieved and made up his mind to follow His advice.