

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第155回 2021.8/20

桐壺95:(帝)「尋ねゆくまぼろしもがな つてにても たまのありかをそこと知るべく」。絵にかける楊貴妃のかたちは、いみじき絵師といえども筆かぎりありければ、いとにほひすくなし。



He composed a poem and recited it, "If only there were a magician who can explore the place where Kiritsubo's spirit is, for I want to know the place at least.  It is OK for me only to hear the information even from a stranger, instead directly from the magician.  The figure of Princess Yang painted on a scroll is short of a vivid scent which a living woman has.  No matter how skillfully a promonent artist might paint it, his artificial technique has its limit after all.


The Emperor chanted : 'I wish a wizard would search her soul.  For I would like to know where she is.  I don't mind knowing it at second hand.'  The figure of Princess Yang in the painting did not have the luster of living woman, for no matter how skillfully an artist might paint, there was a limit of his ability.