

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第80回 2021.6/6




At the ceremony of Hakamagi to celebrate the second Prince's growth in the year when he reached three years, his clothes looked no less beautiful than those of the first Prince.  All the treasures stored in the warehouse of Kuratsukasa and Osamedono were released throughly to make the ceremony look gorgeous.

S先生:no less beautiful than ~  については、この形が出て来ただけで拒否反応を示す生徒がいます。でも冷静に考えてみると、less を否定しているわけだから「美しくないことなんてない」→「美しさでは負けてない」→「勝るとも劣らず美しい」となりますね。基本は逐語訳でよいのです。そう verbatim です。

Well, the second Prince became three years old, a ceremony was held to make him put on a hakama.  His attire was no less beautiful than that of the first Prince, for all the treasures stored in the warehouse were released for him.  The ceremony was luxurious beyond expression.

N君:attire は「豪華な服装」の意ですね。because よりもやや軽めの接続詞 for が使われています。beyond expression がここでも登場しました。