

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第77回 2021.6/3


そしてまたある時には、必ず通らねばならぬ中廊下を歩いている時に、その前後の戸を 閉めてしまってあっちとこっちでしめしあわせて桐壺更衣の一行が進退きわまるような目に遭わせる、というようなこともあった。

N君:Giving another example, when Kiritsubo and her colleagues were walking on the medial corridor which they had to pass to go to His room, some outrageous women shut Kiritsubo et. al. into a segment of the corridor by locking this and that doors beforehand.

S先生:colleague は「同僚」なのでここでは follower のほうが良いでしょう。 beforehand は「あらかじめ、前もって」の意で in advance という言い方もあります。

And sometimes when Kiritsubo and her ladies-in-waiting were walking through the corridor in the middle of the Court, they were unabke to go forward or backward because the front and rear doors were locked by the jealous ladies.