

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第78回 2021.6/4



N君:As lots of nuisance piled up on Kiritsubo in every occasion, she became utterly depressive.  The more melancholic she became, the more kindly the Emperor treated her out of pity.  He even pushed out another lady  from a room in the Kohryou Palace where she had lived.  He was indiscreet enough to let Kiritsubo live there.

S先生:第1文の As節の主語と主節の主語が異なっていますが、これは嫌われるのでできるだけ主語を揃えるように心がけて下さい。ここではたとえば As she was made to experience many hardships, のようにすると良いでしょう。第2文でまたまた out of が出てきました。ここでは動機を表しています。第3文はこれでOKと思いますが、He even moved another lady away from ~ という手もあります。 

Since she was troubled with lots of malicious acts in this way, she became pessimistic and  depressed.  Seeing her in such a serious situation, the Emperor moved to another place a lady who had lived in Kohryouden just near His bedroom, and in her place He let Kiritsubo live there as an upper lady.

N君:第2文で move の目的語は a lady 以下だが、これが重すぎるので「目的語全体を後置した」という理解でよいですね。その結果、副詞句(to another place)が動詞のすぐあとに来て一見おかしな感じになったのだが、これで良いということですね。