

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第790回 2023.5/17

古文研究法135-3 井原西鶴世間胸算用」より:殊に今年はいづかたも女房家主(にょうぼういへぬし)(おご)りて、衣類に事欠かぬ身、そのときの浮世模様の正月小袖をたくみ、帯とても昔渡りの本繻子(ほんじゅす)、一幅に一丈二尺、一筋につき銀二枚が物を腰にまとひ、小判二両の刺し櫛、今の値段の米にして本俵三石(ほんだわらさんごく)あたまにいただき、白ぬめの足袋(たび)履くなど、昔は大名の御前がたもあそばさぬ事、思へば町人の女房のとして冥加(みょうが)恐ろしき事ぞかし。



Especially I dare to say that every housewife has become extravagant lately.  In spite of having plenty of kimono, they are prone to get a newly-designed spring outfit popular in the street.  They like an old obi made of imported velvet, which is as long as 3.6 meters from one end to the other.  It will be no less valuable than two shilver coins.  You can buy three bales of rice with the same price.  Furthermore they put on a pair of tabi made of glossy and white cloth, which was not seen even in the society of Lords' wives in the past.  Nowadays common housewives, however, are not reluctant to use such valuables as obi, comb, and tabi.  I am worried that their lavish behavior may incur devine punishment.

S先生:よく書けていますが、第3文の 3.6 meters はマズイ。このような文章で普通のアラビア数字 Arabic figures を使うのはいけません。面倒でも three point sixty meters と書きましょう。

Nowadays housewives tend to lead a luxurious life.  Though they have enough clothes, they want to put on a gorgeous spring kimono with fashionable patterns.  They proudly tie an old obi sewn with imported velvet, the length of which is as long as three point sixty meters.  It costs no less than two silver coins.  They wear a costly comb in their hair worth three rice bags or two gold coins.  Futhermore they put on a pair of glossy tabi, which even feudak Lords' wives could not afford to.  It is outrageous enough to be punished by Heaven for only wives of townpeople to live such a luxurious life.

N君:先生の第3文後半の , the length of which is ~ は  whose length is ~ と考えてよいですか?


N君:先生の第6文末 afford to. の to は代不定詞ということでよいですか?

S先生:よいです。to の後に put on ~ が省略されています。反復を避けるためのひとつの形ですね。例文を挙げておきます。He doesn't hate her as much as he used to.「昔は嫌っていたが今はそうでもない」。Without meaning to at all, he looked angrily at her.「意図せず怒りの目つきで見てしまった」。