

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第761回 2023.4/18

古文研究法124-4 大鏡より:世の常の君達のやうに、内わたりなどにても、おのづから女房と語らひはかなきことをだに宣はせざりけるに、いかなる折りにかありけん、細殿に立ち寄り給へれば、例ならず珍しくて物語りせさせけるに、やうやう夜中などにもなりやしぬらんと思ふほどに、立ち退き給ふを、いづかたへかとゆかしうて、人をつけ奉りて見せたりければ、北の陣より出で給ひけるほどより法華経をいみじく尊(たふと)く誦(ず)し給ひ、大宮のぼりにおはして世尊寺(義孝自宅)におはしまし着きぬ。


N君:品行方正で信心深い義孝が変な寄り道もせずに家へ帰った、という話なのですが、「書かれないまま主語がバンバン入れ替わる」ので解釈がかなり大変です。「内わたり」は「宮中」の意。次の「おのづから女房と語らひ、はかなきことをだに宣はせざりける」が超重要です。小西先生が言うところの『ならびの修飾』というやつで、否定語が後半に一つ置かれているけれどもこれは前半にも掛かっている、と理解すべきです。「女房と語らうこともなく、世間話もしない」と言っているのです。「おのづから」は「自分から進んで」の意、「はかなきこと」は「ちょっとした世間話」くらいの意です。「ほど」が2か所に出て来ましたがこれは「~の時分、~の頃」の意で頻出の単語です。「ゆかし」は「見たい、聞きたい、触りたい」であり文字通り be interested in ~ です。今回の paragraph はとにかく主語の同定で苦労しました。基本的に義孝様の行為には敬語がくっついていますが、女房達の行為にはそれがありませんから、そこを突破口にして主語を予想しながら話の筋を追います。これが古文の醍醐味とはいえ、本当に生徒泣かせです。

Different from ordinary young noblemen who tried to be on good terms with ladies-in-waiting at Court, Lord Yoshitaka did not have even a small chat with them.  But one day he unusually visited Saiden, an apartment of Court ladies, and talked with them familiarly.  Interested in his unusual behavior, ladies-in-waiting spoke to him and tried to keep him from leaving.  It got late at night.  He went out of the apartment alone.  Wanting to know where he was to go, they made a subordinate follow him.  Afterwards the subordinate reported, "He went out through the noryh gate, when he started to chant a sutra of Hokkekyo in a cordial tone.  Going up straight on the Omiya Street, he went back to his own house near Seson Temple.  He did not waste any time on his way home."


Different from common noblemen, Lord Yoshitaka seldpm made even (a) small talk with ladies-in-waiting of his own will.  But one day, when he unusually called at their room, they were very surprised and spoke to him with great interest.  While they were enjoying talking with him, the night was far advanced.  The Lord left there at midnight.  Curious to know where he would go at such late hour at night, they made one of their janitors follow him.  According to him, going out of the north gate, he turned northward toward Omiya Street and continually chanting the sutra of Hokkekyo on his way, he at last arrived at his apartments near Seson Temple.
