

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第591回 2022.10/29

古文研究法39 源氏物語野分(のわき):人々まゐりて「いといかめしう吹きぬべき風にはべり。艮(うしとら)の方より吹きはべればこの御前はのどけきなり。馬々のおとど、南の釣殿などは、危ふげになむ」とて、とかくこと行なひののしる



People came to see Genji and said, "It will blow heavily.  Because the wind will blow from the northeastern direction, this southern garden won't be damaged.  The buildings of Babadono and Minami-no-Tsuridono in the northeastern direction seem to be vulnerable."  Calling loudly with each other, they tried to take measures to cope with the forthcoming storm.

S先生:最後のところの they tried to take measures to cope with the forthcoming storm「来たる台風に対処する方策を頑張って立てた」という言い方が少し硬くて回りくどいです。間違いではありませんが、cope with を除いて簡潔にする方向で考え直して下さい。私の作文を参考にしてみて下さい。また tried taking ~ にすると「試しにやってみた」の意味になるので気を付けましょう。

Some people came to see Genji, saying, "The wind is going to get stronger and stronger.  It will blow from the northeast.  Since your garden is located in the south, you don't have to be worried.  But the buildings of Baba and Minami-no-Tsuri in the northeast might be hit and damaged."  Talking loudly with each other, they were taking careful measures for the coming storm.