

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第331回 2022.2/12

帚木119:(左馬頭の言葉続き)の中で(左馬頭から女への歌)『手を折りてあひみしことを数ふれば これひとつやは君がうきふし、、、え恨みじ』など言ひ侍れば、さすがにうち泣きて、(女から左馬頭への返歌)『うきふしを心ひとつに数え来て こや君が手を別るべきをり』など、言ひしろひ侍りしかど、まことには変はるべき事とも思う給へずながら、日ごろふるまで消息(せうそこ)遣はさず、あくがれまかりありくに、臨時の祭の調楽に夜更けて、いみじうみぞれ降る夜、これかれまかりあかるる所にて思ひめぐらせば、なほ家路とは思はむ方は又なかりけり。


N君:左馬頭さんの痴話げんかは段々 heart warming な方向へ転換しつつあるようです。今後の展開が楽しみです。happy end ならよいのですが、、、。

At that time I composed a parody of an ancient poem recorded in the Ise Monogatari, 'Just as the hero in the tale counted on his fingers how many times he had dated with the heroine for 40 years, so did I count how many misdeeds you had repeated while we had been living together.  The unpleasant incident was only this case ?  No, there were lots of stupid deeds coming from your excessive jealousy.  You are not qualified to criticize me even if we result in parting.'  Crying loudly, she returned an evil poem to me as follows.  'I have experienced more miserable things than you.  They are too many to count on my ten fingers.  But our relation seems to end up in a sad parting only because I have bitten one of your fingers.'  I did not necessarily mean to part while we were quarreling with each other.  Out of a foolish pride, I did not contact with her for many days.  I got about here and there like a kite with its twine released.    One day, late in a  cold and rainy evening in November, I finished the joint exercise for the musical performance in the special festival of Kamo Shrine, and came outward with my colleagues.  It was not until I said good-bye to them that I was seized with a serious lonliness.  Although I was going to make my way home, I thought up no place but her house.  Yes, I found I had wanted to go back to hers.

S先生:今回もなかなか良いですよ。第2文に Just as SV, so SV 「ちょうどSがVするのと同様にSもVする」が出ました。so のあとはVが助動詞と本動詞に分かれて、助動詞だけ前に出てきて強調されているのですね。so I counted でも間違いではないが so did I count のほうが感じが出ています。第3文の The unpleasant incident was only this case ?  という文はなんとなく和製英語のような感じなので、Have you made me unpleasant only this time ?  くらいに直すほうが良いと思います。第7文ですが、I have experienced more miserable things than you. の than you を than you have にするのが正しいでしょう。ついつい you でプッツリ切りたくなりますが、気を付けておきましょう。第10文では部分否定 not necessarily mean to do「必ずしも~しようという気だったわけではない」を正しく使う事ができました。第11文では動機を表す out of ~ もちゃんと使うことができました。第12文の like a kite with its twine released「糸の切れた凧のように」はN君のオリジナル作ですかね、面白い表現だと思います。第14文には It was not until A that B 「Bが~したのはAが~するまでではなかった」=「Aが~してすぐBが~した」=「皆にさよならを言った途端に寂しさに襲われた」の形が出ました。正しく使われていると思います。今回はいろいろな言い回しのバラエティーセットのようになっていてとても良かったと思います。

I composed a poem, making a parody of a verse in "The Tale of Ise" : 'As it is written in the Tale that forty years had passed when the hero counted on his fingers how many times he had met his lover, so did I try doing so to find how many blunders you had made during our relationship ; not only your jealousy this time !  You have no right to blame me.'  Crying bitterly, she returned me the following : 'I have undergone much more hardships than you have.  They are too many to count in my heart.  Must I part from you just because I have bitten a finger of yours ?'  Though we quarreled each other like this, I did not really mean to leave her.  I was wondering about here and there without sending her any letters obstinately.  It was a cold day in November that I went to rehearse the court music for Kamo Shrine Special Festival.  It was sleeting late at night when we, playing companions, started for home in droves.  After parting from them, it occurred to me that I really had no place to go back but her home.

N君:知らなかった単語を整理しておきます。sleet「みぞれ」、drove「ゾロゾロ歩いて行く家畜の群れ」≒ flock で、in droves「ゾロゾロと」。第2文に try doing が出ました。不定詞と動名詞で意味が違うんでしたね。

S先生:He tried to solve the problem.「解こうと頑張った=努力=まだ解いていない=不定詞はまだやっていないことを表す」に対して、He tried solving the problem.「ためしに解いてみた=動名詞はもうやったことを表す」でしたね。それから私の作文の最後の文に it occurred to +人+that ~「突然脳裏に浮かんだ」「~を考え付いた」が出たのでこの言い方もできるようになっておきましょう。