

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第303回 2022.1/15




By the way, what is the role of a wife ?  The most important assignment she think highly of must be to take care of her husband.  But it is bothersome that she is excessively particular about her work.  When her elaborate way of household chores is compulsorily put on miscellaneous things, we are inclined to consider her behavior as a nuisance.  On the other hand, if she is a devoted housewife who behaves practically in everything, binds her hair behind her ears, and looks after her husband wholeheartedly with no amorous air, we are also annoyed about her conduct.  We are disappointed at her manner too elaborate and practical.  Men are busy in going out from home to office everyday.  They are always experiencing a number of affairs in the society, which are easy to hear in some cases but not in other cases.  They don't take the trouble to talk about their experiences to the persons who are not on friendly terms.

S先生:第2文の think highly of~「~を重要視する」はここでは少し意味が合わないと思います。ここでは「妻が意識を集中すべき仕事」の意なので concentrate her attention on くらいが適当でしょう。同じく第2文の述部には不定詞が使われていて別段悪くないのですが、この to を省略してもOK、というよりむしろ積極的に省略してほしいくらいです。第4文はN君の悪い癖が出ました。全体的に硬すぎて意味をとりづらくなっています。特に前半の When節は硬すぎます。この節を If she displays her taste ostentatiously when she need not do so particularly くらいに総入れ替えして下さい。ostentatious「これ見よがしの」です。第6文の manner を後ろから too elaborate and practical という具合に修飾したのは、目立たないながらなかなか良かった。普通通りmanner の前に重い修飾語を持ってきたらそれだけで台無しですからね。ところで manner「態度」に対して manners「礼儀作法」の意であって、このように単数形と複数形で意味の異なる単語があるので注意しておいて下さい。第7文の busy in +動名詞 ですが、この in は最近ではほとんど省略されているようです。第8文の「always を使った現在進行形」は「いつも~してばかりいる」の意であって少々非難めいた表現なのでここでは合わないと思います。ここでは普通に always experience で良いと思います。田中健介著「TOEIC TEST 860点クリア」から「always を使った現在進行形」の例文を挙げておきます。The CEO is always having his own way in everything.「社長はいつでも自分のやりたいようにしてばかりだ」。

Now how should a wife be ?  The most important thing for her is (to) take good care of her husband.  But the trouble is that she is apt to value her taste above all.  If she shows off her taste too ostentatiously when she doesn't have to do so in particular, we cannot help thinking that she is unnecessarily showy.  But what do you think about a wife with no taste and sex appeal who bustles around the house all day long and does nothing but (to) take care of her husband with her hair tuck up behind her ears ?  A husband goes out in the morning and comes back in the evening, seeing various affairs public or private and things good or bad.  He doesn't have to talk about such things to those who are not on good terms with him.

N君:第4文で show off, ostentatiously, showy が似た感じの言葉であることがわかりました。第5文の bustle around は「せかせか動き回る」の意だそうです。第6文後半で、名詞を後ろから飾る重い形容詞句の例を知ることができました。