

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第360回 2022.3/13

帚木181: (式部の言葉続き)それは、ある博士のもとに、学問などし侍るとてまかり通ひしに、あるじの娘ども多かりと聞き給へて、はかなきついでに言ひ寄りて侍りしを、親聞きつけて盃もて出でて『わがふたつのみち歌ふを聞け』となむ、聞こえごち侍りしかど、をさをさうちとけてもまからず、かの親の心をはばかりて、さすがにかかずらひ侍りし程に、いとあはれに思ひ、後見、寝覚めの語らひにも、身のざえつき、おほやけに仕うまつるべき道々しき事を教へて、いときよげに消息文にもかんなといふもの書き混ぜず、むべむべしく言ひまはし侍るに、おのづからまかり絶え、その者を師となしてなむ、わづかなる腰折れ文作る事など習ひ侍りしかば、今にその恩は忘れ侍らねど、なつかしき妻子とうち頼まむには、無才の人、なまわろならむふるまひなど見えむに、恥ずかしくなむ見え侍りし。



I met her when I was visiting a scholar to learn literature.  She was one of his daughters.  I went steady with her on the spur of the moment.  Our intimate relation soon leaked out to him.  He delightedly put a cup in front of me to exchange sake as a pledge of partnership and started to recite the poem for marriage composed by Hakurakuten.  Briefly speaking, he wanted to refer to a proverb in the poem : "As a daughter from a wealthy family is easy to get married, she is apt to see her husband with contempt.  As a daughter from a poor family is hard to get married, she is apt to be filial for her mother-in-law."  He seemed to tell me that the daughter, whose father was a poor scholar, would undoubtedly be a good wife and it would be profitable for me to marry her.  Although I never meant to marry her, I continued to pay visits to her with an appropriate interval because I did not want to discourage him.  Contrary to my hypocritical love, she was very considerate and eager to look after me.  Even in the pillow talk, she gave me a lot of lessons ; cultural tales helpful for my carreer, Confusian tales related to job hunting in the Court, and miscellaneous tales bothersome but useful for my future.  As you can easily image, she did not use delicate Hiragana but used Chinese characters solemnly when she wrote a letter.  Such being the case, it was fairly said that my paying visits to her was actually for learning literature from her.  Hardly able to cut the connection with her, I ended up looking up to her as a teacher and getting an ability to write the minimum level of classical literature.  Although I still never forget that her help made me familiar with the Chinese literature, I didn't feel like making a warm-hearted home with her.  After all, my intelligence was too low to equal hers.  If I had married her, I would have brought an irretrievable disgrace on myself.

S先生:全体的に良く出来ていますが、ところどころに硬さがみられますので、直していきましょう。第2文の on the spur of the moment の spur は「拍車」の意であり逐語的には「瞬間的な拍車がかかって」つまり「時のはずみで」の意味ですね。「ちょっとした出来心で」ととらえても良いでしょう。第4文の partnership は wedding のほうが良いでしょう。同じく第4文の the poem for marriage はやや硬い感じなので a nuptial poem くらいでどうでしょうか。第11文の Confusian tales related to job hunting in the Court はあまりに軽すぎる表現です。朝廷での仕事をハローワークで決めるような感じがしていけません。ここは Confusian tales useful in serving at Court としましょう。第15文の that節の中味 her help made me familiar with Chinese literature は、確かにこれで分かるのですが硬すぎます。she helped me learn Chinese literature としましょう。ちなみにこの Chinese literature も、ひとつ前の Court も定冠詞は不要です。第16文の my intelligence was too low to equal hers も硬すぎです。I was unequal to her in intelligence くらいにしましょう。無生物主語を使うとどうしても硬くなってしまいますね。悪いところばかりクローズアップしましたが、ちょっとした分子構文や、仮定法過去の文など、小粋なところもたくさんあって、全体的に85点くらいですね。この調子でがんばっていきましょう。

I was learning under a certain scholar, when I heard that he had many daughters, and I courted one of them out of a whim Soon her father learned of our affair.  True to his name, taking up a wedding cup, he chanted a passage from a poem by a Chinese poet, Hakkyoi : "Listen to me chanting, 'There are two ways in life.' "  He wanted to say by it, "A wealthy man's daughter has no difficulty in marrying, so she is apt to make light of her husband, while a poor man's daughter finds it difficult to get married, so she is dutiful to her mother-in-law once she has married."  He seemed to mean that though she was a poor scholar's daughter, I should get married to her because she was sure to make a good wife for me.  I had no intention of marrying her, but out of consideration for the scholar, I just went to see her half-heartedly.  Nevertheless, she was compassionate enough to take good care of me.  While we were talking with each other in bed, she told me about cultural stories good for me, and taught me Confusian difficult morality useful in serving at Court.  Instead of writing letters in hiragana, which women usually used, she wrote them formally in Chinese characters.  Such being the case, it seems as if I were going to see her just in order to learn.  Somehow, I found it difficult to part from her.  And before I knew it, I had been taught how to write Chinese poems.  I still cannot forget her kind teaching, but I thought that I was too illiterate to make a harmonious family with her.  I was afraid that I might make a fool of myself by committing some poor mistakes.

N君:これまで習ったことを総動員してS先生の作文にコメントしてみたいと思います。第1文はいろいろあります。まず certain「とある~」は、話者がその詳細を知っているのにあえて具体名を挙げないときに使う形容詞ですね。詳細を知らないので具体名を挙げないときの「とある~」は some であり、これは第15文に表れています。将来どんなミスを犯すか分からないのだから certain ではなくて some ですよね。第1文に戻って「A+カンマ+when+B」は訳し下す感じで「AしてそのあとにBする」という具合に訳します。第1文の court は多義語で「裁判所、宮廷」のほかに「女性に言い寄る」の意があって、ここでは後者ですね。同じく第1文の out of a whim 「きまぐれから」では動機を示す前置詞句 out of が使われていて、これは重要です。第6文の she was sure to make a good wife for me で使われた make は become のほうが自然ではないか、と思って辞書を引いてみました。すると、make にもこの用法があって「become にくらべて素質を有している場合は make を用いる」と書かれていました。本作文の場合はまさに「素質を持っていて良い嫁になる」のですから become よりも make のほうが適していると知りました。第13文の before I knew it は「それを知る前に」というよりも、「まだそのことを知らないうちに」と訳すのが良いと思いました。

S先生:なかなか鋭い観察です。when や before のような接続詞を上手に使いこなしたいものですね。make に着目してくれたことも教える側としては嬉しいです。この調子で少しづつアップしていこう。