

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第286回 2021.12/29



N君:Both of the two men were famous as playboys and eloquent speakers as well.  Having been at a loss for an answer to Genji's question, the General welcomed them with open arms.  He explained what he and Genji had talked about until then and asked them what they thought about the matter.  They were willing to take part in the discussion, but I am afraid that their exchange seemed offensive to our ears as follows.  It was Samanokami who started the argument, "First, I would like to point out the qualification for becoming a member of good families.  According to the hornest feeling of ordinary people, it may be hardly accepted that a rich upstart who came from a humble family is classified into a high class.

S先生:今回は上出来でしたが、第4文後半に突如として筆者(紫式部)が出てきて主観を述べているのはいただけません。I am afraid that their exchange seemed offensive to our ears as follows を除外して、it was too complicated to listen to くらいにしましょう。第6文の形式主語構文を上手に作ることができました。この文はもともと、According to ~, the idea that ~ may be hardly accepted. という形で構成されるわけですが、このままでは主部が長すぎる。英語は前軽後重でなければなりません。そこで、The honest feeling of ordinary people may hardly accept the idea that ~ という具合にして、無生物主語の能動態にする手もあるのですが、これはこれで硬すぎるのです。そこで it ~ that ~ の構文はどうかな? という発想に至るわけです。N君は意識しなかったかもしれないが、頭の中でこのような構文の変換をしたはずです。英作文する身としてはいつでもこのように考えて、引き出しを用意しておいてほしいです。

Both of them were very eloquent and famous as lady-killers.  Chujo, who was at a loss what to answer, welcomed them with great pleasure, and asked them to make a right judgement, roughly explaining what they had been talking about.  "All right," they were quick to participate in the discussion, but it was difficult to understand the contents.  It was Sama-no-Kami who began to speak first.  "Judging from the common sense, those upstarts, who are not of a good family, seem to be a little different in some points from noblemen.

N君:第5文の of はこれまで度々出て来た「起点の of 」で、from と同じだが、出身を表す時は from よりも of の方が好まれる、というやつですね。左馬頭と藤式部のことを、第1文で僕は playboys と表現したのに対して、S先生は lady-killers と表現していたのが面白かったです。