

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第287回 2021.12/30



N君:If a precious family were in trouble over money, gradually unable to keep up with the times and at a loss for its miserable circumstances, everything around them would not go well.  No matter how highly they think of themselves, the financial problems would make them feel miserable on every occasion.  After all, I think it appropriate to put both those who have fallen down and those who have climbed up into the middle class.

S先生:だいたい良いですが、第1文の precious family はいけません。precious は物に対して使う形容詞であって人には使いません。ここは noble family くらいでどうでしょうか。第1文の keep up with ~「遅れずについていく」は感じが出ていると思います。第2文の No matter how 構文も良い。occasion と相性の良い前置詞は on ですね。in や at はいけません。

On the other hand, those nobles, who gradually have become tight economically and come down in the world unable to keep up with the times, will be in desperate straits for money, however proud they are.  Something undesirable may happen while they are making a living.  And so I think it proper that both belong to the middle rank.

第2文の both は「上流から落ちぶれた人たちと下流から成りあがった人たち」を指しており、説明せずとも前回・前々回からの話の流れで理解できると判断しました。どこまで説明するかはとても難しい問題で、説明過剰は冗長の源ですし、説明不足もいけません。
