

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第780回 2023.5/7

古文研究法132-1 大鏡より:(け)と人の申す事どものさせる事なくて(や)みにしは、前(さき)の一条院の御即位の日、大極殿(だいごくでん)御装束すとて人々集まりたるに、高御座(たかみくら)のうちに髪付きたるものの頭(かしら)の血付きたるを見つけたりける、あさましくて、いかがすべきと行事思いあつかひて、かばかりの事を隠すべきかとて、大入道殿(兼家=道長父)に「かかる事なむさぶらふ」と、何某(なにがし)の主して申させけるを、、、、



There is a story about a self-possessed man who neglected a mysterious happening to make things go well though people were worried about it.  One day a number of aristcrats gathered to decorate the main hall of Daigoku-den for the enthronement ceremony of Emperor Ichijo.  One of them happened to find something odd like an animal head covered with bloody hair on the chair called Talamikura on which the Emperor was to sit.  Frightened at it, men in charge of the ceremony couldn't know what to do.  Thinking that the serious happening like this should not be veiled, they made a certain man consult Lord Kaneie about that.

S先生:第4文「行事係はどうしていいのか分からなかった」ですが、couldn't know に違和感があります。know という動詞は can という助動詞と相性が悪いのです。ここは didn't know に変えて下さい。第5文「ある人に頼んで兼家公に相談してもらった」ですが、強制使役の make ではなくて依頼の have のほうが合います。made を had に変えて下さい。これ以外の所は比較的上手に作文できていると思います。

A mysterious affair settled down quietly without getting serious though many people were very much worried.  The story goes as follows.  On the day when the ex-Emperor Ichijo ascended the throne, a lot of officers in the service of the Court assembled to decorate the main hall of Daikoku-den.  They all were astonished when someone found by chance a weird head with bloody hair on the Emperor's seat.  Even the officer in charge of the ceremony was at a loss what to do.  But thinking that it was wrong to keep such a terrible thing secret, he had a certain person tell Lord Kaneie that such and such had happened.

N君:先生の第4文の find+by chance+O ですが、Oが長いので副詞句 by chance を前に置いた、と考えてよいですか?

S先生:本来 find+O+by chance なのですが「軽前重後」の原則に従って find+by chance+O の語順になりました。

N君:先生の第6文末に「コレコレシカジカ」が such and such と表されていて、なるほど、と思いました。