

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第620回 2022.11/27

古文研究法60-2 源氏物語須磨:げにいかに思ふらむ、我が身より親はらから片時たち離れ難く、程につけつつ思ふらむ家を別れてかく惑ひあへる、と思(おぼ)すに、いみじくて、いとかく思ひ沈む様(さま)を心細しと思ふらむ、と思(おぼ)せば、昼はなにくれとたはぶれごとをうち宣(のたま)ひまぎらはし、徒然なるままに色々の紙をつぎつつ手習ひをし給ふ。



He said to himself heartbrokenly, "What do the men who have followed me think of ?  Hit with the by-blow of my own affair, they had to wander with me from Kyoto to such a rural place as Suma.  It must be a shame for them to part from parents, brothers and lovely houses they used to live in even if they had to spend a short time there.  If they notice that I am depressed like this, they will feel helpless and uneasy."  Therefore he tried to divert his attention to chattering with jokes and practicing calligraphy on various colored papers.  His attempt, however, went well only in daytime.

S先生:うん、今日は久し振りの上出来です。惜しかったのは第5文末の various colored papers でした。paper は「書類」「新聞」の場合は可算ですが、普通の紙の場合は不可算ですから、ここでは sheets of various colord paper としなければなりません。第2文の by-blow「たまたまの不幸」、第6文の go well「うまくいく」のような表現も出てきて楽しませてもらいました。今日のところは源氏がしゃべったわけではなくて心の中で思ったことが書かれているので、私の作文では間接話法を使ってみました。

He thought that his vassals had been made to part from their dear parents and brothers and (been) transefered as far as Suma together with him, and that it was all due to him.  He could not but feel very sorry for them.  Also thinking that they must feel lonely and helpless to see him depressed like that, he diverted himself by making jokes and practicing calligraphy on sheets of variously colored paper.