

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第135回 2021.7/31



N君:The moon was about to go down behind the ridge of the western mountains.  The autumn night sky were perfectly clean, the wind was cool, and the insects were chirping in the garden as if they had tempted the two women to cry together.  So, Myoubu and Kiritsubo's mother found it hard to leave the thick grass near the garden.

S先生:第1文の be about to do「まさに~しようとする」は適切。第2文の as if 節の中にある仮定法ですが had tempted よりも were tempting のほうが良いと思います。「涙を誘っているかのように鳴いていた」なので。

The moon was setting behind the ridge of the western hills, the sky was crystal clear, the wind was cool, and the songs of the crickets among the grass sounded as if they were tempting Myoubu and the old lady to cry.  Both of them found it difficult to leave the place near the garden.

N君:crystal clear は全体としてひとつの形容詞なのですね。song はスゴイと思いました。 こういういう発想が僕には全くないので目からウロコです。仮定法は難しいのでもう少し経験が必要です。