

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第134回 2021.7/30

桐壺74:(命婦の会話文中の帝の言葉つづき)よにいささかも人の心をまげたる事はあらじと思ふを、ただこの人のゆゑにてあまたさるまじき人の恨みを負ひしはてはては、かううち棄てられて心おさめむかたなきに、いとど人わろうかたくなになりはつるも、さきの世ゆかしうなむ』と、うちかえしつつ御しほたれがちにのみおはします」と、語りて尽きせず、泣く泣く (命婦)「夜いたう更けぬれば、こよひ過ぐさず御返り奏せむ」と、急ぎ参る。


N君:Although I had a faith that I should not give agony on others' minds, she was forced to carry people's ill will on her back because I loved her exclusively.  It was not necessary for her to bear such a burden at all.  My special love for her resulted in her unhappy death and I have been left alone in this world.  I cannot find the way I console myself and I have had a bad reputation as a stupid Emperor.  How deeply am I linked to a bad destiny in my previous life ? '  So did He repeat in tears." , and added also in tears, "The night has worn away.  I am going to go back to Court before the day break and inform Him of today's story."  She prepared to go out in haste.

S先生:全体的になかなか良いです。第1文の文末にある副詞 exclusively は「ほかの妃を排除してもっぱら桐壺更衣だけを」という感じをよく表していると思います。第4文に前回検討した the way が登場しましたね。ここでは how と同じですね。第6文は命婦のセリフで So+助動詞+SV の強調形が出てきました。最近はもうマスターしたね。

It was my belief that I must not make others worry.  But as a result of my deep attachment for her, many court ladies held grudge against her.  And as a result, too, I have been left all alone.  I cannot keep my mind at ease.  It must be my destiny from my previous exitence that I have become such a scandalous man.'  So did He say again and again.  He is now leading tearful days."  Myoubu's story was endless.  And she wept and wept.  "Now the night is far advanced.  I must go back to Court and tell Him today's story," said she, going to hurry back.

N君:平易簡潔で自然な articulation を感じます。